Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Food for Thought

Thought is the mental process in which humans form psychological associations with the world. Thinking is basically manipulating information when we form concepts and make decisions. A thought may be an idea, an image, a sound or even an emotional feeling that arises from the brain. A thought is enclosed by a goal oriented flow of ideas and associations that leads to a reality oriented conclusion. Although thinking is an activity of existential value for humans, there is no consensus as to how it is defined or understood  Thinking allows humans to make sense of, interpret, or represent the world that they are experiencing and make predictions. It is helpful to a living being with needs, objectives and desires as it makes attempts accomplish certain goals of life.

An idle life is a product of morbid thoughts. A mind fired by the power of imagination and the desire to achieve finds little value in harbouring idle thoughts. When matched with corresponding effort and enthusiasm, it will lead to greatness. By changing your thinking and beliefs, you can overcome the limitations of your mind and your circumstances and achieve an expansive state of mind. Your mind is the key to your success and progress. It is the powerhouse of your thoughts and beliefs. It is where your dreams and ideas take shape  Hidden in it are your immense potentials. It makes possible who you are and what you can do. Because of that we have awareness, knowledge, sensitivity and intelligence. Because of that we experience and control the very process of existence.

“The mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell and a Hell of Heaven.”
                                                                                                                - John Milton   

Monday, June 10, 2019


All that ever was, is or will be... it is both the painting and the painter, the teaching and the teacher, the flower and the fruit.

To bring any result into life, see that it’s already there. To embody any outcome, feel the feeling of it already being. To draw from the field an experience you desire, know it in your mind as already so.

Time is a perceptual trick. Learn how to use it. What do you choose to create? Are you making a conscious effort? You are trading a day of your life to create an experience for yourself.

Your habits are like stones shaped by the river of your thoughts. By being present in the ever flowing moment of now, the quality of your life is determined. So stretch beyond your infinite limits.

In every single corner of the world, we have the capacity to harness the individual power for good, to think well of anyone and everyone, to only send positive thoughts, to send good vibrations, to send love, to send healing, to send health, to send compassion and to send hope. Thoughts give us the ability to connect to the Universe without words. Generations before us have latched onto this “thought,” but Shakespeare’s Hamlet puts it well.

“For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”